Honeypatch honey is made up of more than 200 different molecules

Here are some molecules present in Honeypatch products that promote the wound healing process.

The Proline

Proline is a cyclic amino acid, which contains an alpha-amino group and an alpha-carboxylic acid group. It is non-essential in humans, which means that the body can synthesize it from the non-essential amino acid L-glutamate. The proline content varies between honeys, therefore, this can also serve as an additional determinant of the quality of different honeys. Proline has an osmoregulatory role and is inserted into honey by the bee with enzymes. In a Slovenian study, the highest average amount of proline was found in chestnut honey: 617 mg/kg. Proline plays a role in wound healing, as collagen is primarily composed of proline and hydroxyproline. In the study by Aydin et al. (2018), the effects of local and systematic administration of proline on wound healing were examined. This study confirmed the positive wound healing effects of proline.

Glucose oxidase (GOX)

Glucose oxidase (GOX) is an enzyme secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of bees during nectar processing. This allows hydrogen peroxide/hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to be synthesized via an oxidation reaction.

Synthesis of hydrogen peroxide using the GOX enzyme

Hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide is considered the main inhibin in honey. It is synthesized thanks to the action of the GOX enzyme via the following oxidation reaction:

Glucose oxidase + glucose + H2O → gluconic acid + H2O2 (peroxide pathway)

2 H2O2+catalase = 2 H2O +O2

GOX is an enzyme active at basic pH with an optimal pH located around 6.1. GOX is a sensitive enzyme: it is thermolabile (destroyed by heat). It is in order not to distort the action of this enzyme that we had to adapt our sterilization process.

When applying honey to the wound, the hydrogen peroxide will be diluted on the exudates, and will be released at a very low concentration, but sufficiently to allow asepsis of the wound. Another effect of hydrogen peroxide is to stimulate the production of fibroblasts (new skin cells).

Beta-defensin 1

Beta-defensin 1, present in honey, gives it additional anti-bacterial properties. In 2009, a Dutch doctor, Dr. Sébastien AJ Zaat, demonstrated that the absence of beta-defensin 1 in honey made it less effective against pathogenic bacteria. He first subjected pathogenic or antibiotic-resistant bacteria to different concentrations of honey in order to check the effect. He then isolated the different antibacterial factors one by one, and proved that, in the absence of beta-defensin 1, the effectiveness of honey was reduced. This is synthesized by bees and is therefore present in all honeys. Beta-defensin 1 from bees is also comparable to that produced by humans.

Hydrogen peroxide/hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

As said before, hydrogen peroxide/hydrogen peroxide (H202) is considered the main inhibin in honey. It is a broad spectrum antiseptic. It also helps stop small hemorrhages. Hydrogen peroxide is synthesized by an enzymatic reaction described previously.

The flavones

Flavones are part of the flavonoid family. The role of flavonoids is to protect plants against bacteria, viruses and mold. In addition, they have an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory action.

Water (H2O)

Why does Honeypatch honey contain on average 17% water and no more? Quite simply because above 18% water concentration in honey, there is a risk of maceration at the wound level. Controlling the water concentration in Honeypatch medical honey is therefore essential for patient safety. The low water concentration is achieved through a specific beekeeping process. On average, in our regions, the water concentration in edible honey is 20-22%.

Kyurenic Acid

On a wound, kynurenic acid has bactericidal activity. Kynurenic acids are non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonists. They will reduce irritability at pain receptors. They therefore have an antinociceptive action. Additionally, kynurenic acid interrupts the bacterial quorum (communication between bacteria) and thus stops biofilm formation.


Our medical honey contains various minerals, such as Zinc, Potassium, Manganese, Magnesium, Calcium and others. These stimulate collagen synthesis and cell proliferation, and therefore accelerate the healing process. Zinc and Manganese also participate in the migration of keratinocytes.